Hi Nancy-Lynn, here is my list of issues with Dixie before we started training with you:
I could not get a collar on or off her without having to wear work gloves due to biting me. She ran the house! I was getting complaints from the barking and looking at getting evicted from my apt because of the noise. Every day was a fight with her, she did not like her crate, slept with me, thought she owned the sofa, ran around barking and would not walk on a leash at all. She barked and snapped at friends and family that came over. All 2.7lbs of her.!! All we saw was teeth and an nasty little dog.
Thanks to you we have corrected all these issues!! She loves her crate now, and goes in on her own. There is no problem putting a collar and a leash on her to go for her walks. The work gloves have been put away and she lets us pat her and approach her now. She walks like a pro on leash and enjoys going out now. When I say “off the sofa” she obeys, no barking back. She is much more relaxed and happy in the house.
Thank you for all that you taught the both of us. No reason to send her back to the breeder after 7 months of hell. We love her to death now and can’t thank you enough. Thanks again for the tips to be the leader and your patience with me during the weeks of progress. I have a happy little dog now and a quiet peaceful house.
Joan,….. Dixie says “HI”!
Joan and Dixie