Victoria came to me with the most beautiful Aussie with crazy lack of focus and more energy that the ever-ready bunny. He would nip for attention and not listen. Victoria, loved Indie, but he was challenging his energy and patients to enjoy him. She was also concerned about his nipping at people, because she was afraid someone would accuse him of trying to bite them, even though he was just excited to see people.

Here is what Victoria had to say after their training program:
I knew the Australian shepherd breed was hyper active, but I never knew my guy would drive me this bonkers!!! Indie would be running around the house, barking and biting, destroying toys, fluff everywhere! And all before I had my morning coffee.
So, with a quick google search, Nancy Lynn’s name popped up and the reviews seemed almost too good to be true. Could she really fix my Indie?
With Nancy Lynn’s professionalism and unique bond with Indie, she had him sitting and following her every move in no time. In our 6 lessons spread over a couple weeks, I saw his attention span gradually increase, his demeanour calmed down immensely, and he was able to do new commands at the drop of a hat!
Nancy Lynn personalized each lesson based on what Indie needed specifically in that moment. It was such a treat to watch him improve with every lesson!