Jack is an Ottawa dog that was very high strung, nervous and had lots of reactivity issues when his owner Kristine and her husband came to me for help. They could not walk him without him being highly reactive to other dogs and his manners needed control and work.
In his 6 weeks of private instruction, they learned what caused the issues and how to manage Jacks energy.
He lacked focus, direction and strong leadership. So, we went to work! Now Jack is a star when it comes to his obedience work and his social skills have improved tremendously… no more outbursts of lunging and barking when he sees other dogs on his walks.
His owners can calmly control what happens and stay calm themselves for a positive outcome.
Here is what Kristine had to say after completing their training program and continue to join in on the pack walks for maintenance:
“He is much better behaved when walking and, if I am properly attending to his behaviours, I can often head off a reaction before it builds. He is far less reactive than he was prior to our training. I believe that with the tools provided the awesome pack walks, we can continue to improve his walking behaviours. One thing that has been a huge improvement is his stay.
I can now leave him and walk over 100 feet away and he will sit until I call him. This gives him an opportunity to stretch his legs which is, I believe a stress reliever that is also helping his behaviour. I have also had opportunities to practice his stay, loose leash but standing on the end, with other dogs walking past and he does not react. This is a huge change and I cannot be happier and hope to continue to improve this to the point where he won’t react even without me being so close. Thanks Nancy-Lynn things are so much better now, and we can now enjoy our walks! “

Kristine’s advice:
If you have an issue with your puppy, or a timid puppy, act now to help your puppy. Training early will hopefully give you the tools and confidence to head off behaviours that slowly creep up on you until you have an actual problem. Go see Awesome K9, so you have the tools to ward off problems before they
Thanks again,
Kristine & Jack