Puppy Training Ottawa

Overwhelmed thinking about your new puppy?

Worried it might be more stress than fun?

Don’t wait, start now!

Invest in your puppy’s future now! Start the first day you bring your new puppy home. It can make all the difference for a life time of happiness for you both.

We can help! (613) 515-5959

puppy training for Ottawa

If you are looking for puppy training for the Ottawa area, we can help! If you want to invest in your puppy’s future to grow up to be the best dog it can be, by starting before the first day you bring your new puppy home. It can make all the difference for a life time of happiness for you both.

For more details regarding our Ottawa Puppy Training, contact Nancy-Lynn at info@awesomek9.com or contact Nancy-Lynn directly: (613) 515-5959 (K9K9) ext. #113


HAVE US COME TO YOUR HOME to make sure you are totally and completely prepared for the arrival of your new pup BEFORE they set one paw past your front door!

This includes:

We cover everything in our puppy programs:

Nutrition, basic health & wellness , exposure, social & temperament assessments

(The most influential time to start!)

*Home appointments are an additional $25 per visit. As per availability.

Starting with our “Proven Puppy Program” or a more complete “Power Puppy Program” to make sure you are set up to get through the first year with flying colours.

Puppy Training Ottawa

On our Dog Training Page you’ll need to book a consultation visit first to fit into one of our custom programs: “Life is good”, “Amazing Changes” or our “Brand New Beginnings” Programs. The consultation visit starts at $125 + tax.

This completely covers you and your dog from post-puppy hood, to adult hood for awesome results.

Check out & start today…our Online self study “Smart & Easy” puppy course

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