Congratulations on completing your training course at AWESOME K9

    We truly hope you had a great experience with us and have learned many new skills to get the results you were hoping for. We trust you learned that you can be a great influence on your dog's behaviour and that we have given you the confidence and tools to make positive changes for continued success.

    Now it's your turn to let us know how "WE" did!!!!!

    Feed back is important to us to be able to address your needs and give you the best help, advice and guidance we can. Your comments are valuable to us and we appreciate being able to use your testimonials and pictures on our site and facebook page:

    Can we use your comments and pictures on our website or testimonials for others to see and read?

    Thank you so much for your comments. It is important to give us your valuable feedback and wish you continued success for the best relationship possible with your dog.


    Nancy-Lynn Stoller I.A.C.P.
    Professional dog trainer/ canine behaviour consultant
    Owner of Awesome K9

    We thank you. (and so does your dog!)

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    SEO Does Matter Inc
    Margate, FL
    (954) 800-5012
    AK9 Canspace
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