Getting your dog out for regular walks and exercise can be a challenge with busy schedules these days. We love our dogs, but quite often, Fido gets out less than he should and as a result, this can create a few issues over time. Dogs that don’t get enough walk times in daily, can develop behavioural issues such as boredom, destructive episodes, anxiety, restlessness & barking not to mention other behavior problems, such as territorial issues, marking and aggressive episodes when not socialized on a regular basis.

There are many different types of dog walking services to choose from. You can have options like off leash, leashed walks, play time, group walks, private walks, fenced in play, short walks, long walks, the list of options go on.

The important think you should look for is a service with a good track record. Proper procedures in place and all safety issues be addressed based upon your dog’s temperament. Know what the skill set is of the walker you are potentially going to use. Do they have a training background? Do they have references? Do they make you feel comfortable with giving them your dog? Do they respect your requests when walking your dog or using walking tools, such as training collars and leashes? Do they have a specific pick up and drop off time? Do you want them to take your dog out of your neighborhood or walk them in the area? There are many different options available and not all services offer the same things. Do your homework and pick out what would be the safest option for your dog as well as someone you feel you can trust with your dogs’ best interest in place. A regular scheduled walk can be just what your dog needs to keep them happy, content, calm and happy at home. Remember, this is a daily event and it is necessary as us having our shower or brushing our teeth daily! Don’t neglect your dog thinking that tomorrow you’ll get to it! Keep them happy and healthy both mentally and physically with regular walks!

It can make all the difference each day!

For information on walking services with Awesome K9, feel free to contact our concierge “Favio” who will love your dog as much as you do!

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